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Singalong With Alice

UK Coaching Award Winner:

Community Coach of the Year

Alice's unique blend of singalong fun with activity (including chair-based movement to music) and music therapy  stimulates residents of care homes, whether elderly, dementia or disabled, and improves their physical and also their mental health.

Supported by husband Marek on keyboard, Alice draws on her West End Dancer/Singer, Stand-up Comedy and Exercise Teacher experience to create a show that brings visible joy to the hearts of the people she connects with. 


SingalongwithAlice have developed their own unique copyrighted 3E's Framework - Entertainment, Engagement and Exercise - to simultaneously meet multiple needs of care home residents.



Alice's unique style of singalong fun is highly entertaining and is presented as a full show of well known versions of classic songs. Alice's skills and experience as a professional dancer, actress and comedienne all contribute to the truly entertaining show provided.




The best entertainers can fall short on impact and benefit to residents if they don't actively engage with their audience. Alice excels at engaging and eliciting responses even from very quiet residents. Every song is chosen for its familiarity, both the tune and the lyrics. Many songs are edited to repeat the first verse two or three times where that is the one that is most likely to be remembered so residents can sing along.



Movement of any kind, from clapping or foot tapping right up to getting up and dancing (with appropriate safety precautions) all contribute to physical and mental wellbeing of residents and providing exercise benefits without them even realising it! Alice also teaches multiple dance exercise classes to over 60's of all abiliies, so is well experienced in tailoring movement to music activity to any level.



"Its people like you who make the planet a better place" - Lifestyle Lead, Care UK




Alice has been a Care Home Entertainer in a variety of residential establishments, both for the elderly and for people with dementia. Aside from numerous awards (including recognition by UK Coaching as Community Coach of the Year), Alice has also been invited to be a guest speaker on her unique  engagement approach when performing to people with dementia, at the prestigious Alzheimers Show.


Alice says "I love working with the residents at the Dementia care homes, and have learned so much by interacting with them. Many of them remember me from week to week. It is amazing the effect that music has. They seem to come alive when they are singing along to a song like Que Sera Sera for example, and remember all the words. Many of them get up to dance which is wonderful for their mood and well being. I find that interaction is the key, eye contact, smiling, laughing with each individual has a great effect. I have found that they also start to learn 'new' songs from week to week."

Please feel free to explore our website... browse the awards... check out the videos and pictures... read about some of the wonderful people we've befriended in care homes... find out what happened at the CQC inspection... get the answers to all your questions about areas covered, where we've performed, suitability for dementia, prices and more before you make contact and allow us to make your residents smile, laugh, move to music and find lasting moments of joy for them and for their families.

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